Senior Project Artist Statement Page

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"Thank you" list...

I have the following people to thank in regards to my senior project:

Advice / direction / and pushing me further:
Peter Precourt
Karen Adrienne
Bob Katz
Jere Dewaters
Robert Rainey

Brandon Lutterman
Bob Stewart
Karen Kelly-Philbrick
Liz MacKinnon
Ethan Guillemette

Writing / Editing Help (Artist Statement, etc):
Barb Whitten
Karen Adrienne
Bob Katz
Karen Kelly-Philbrick

Time and Space to get my work done:
Candy Wells

Again, thank you all for everything.

 - - Paul

1 comment:

  1. You did a fabulous job, great work, well received. It's been a pleasure!
